Facilities and Healthcare

About Us

The Facilities and Healthcare Committee works on improving access to a variety of campus resources including graduate student housing, gym and recreational facilities, library access and services, and healthcare services including dental, vision, and mental health.

Recent accomplishments include a comprehensive report on the state of childcare for graduate students at Yale and advocating for a second embedded mental health clinician in the graduate school. 

If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please email our chair, Thomas Zapadka (thomas.zapadka@yale.edu).

Current Initiatives

  • Improve library access (hours) and services for graduate students across campus.

  • Analyze current usage trends at campus recreational facilities and make recommendations for improving access.

  • Re-establish and particupate in university-wide committees on student/university health, graduate and professional student housing, and mental health.

  • Continue to evaluate and improve child-care resources on campus.

    • See the June 2024 Graduate Student Parent Report, prepared by the GSA, at the bottom of this page

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